What's New
Rent the Rock '22-23 click here for available dates
Get Involved

Upcoming Events
Wednesday, 9/28 at 2:45pm - PTA general meeting
9/29 - 10/7 - Matey Move-a-thon: on Final Day 10/7 there will be a fun run - more info to come!
Rent the Rock
Rent the Spirit Rock to congratulate your student, wish them a Happy Birthday or celebrate a win. Only $15 per half week (Sunday-Wednesday noon). All proceeds go directly to BCES through our PTA.

Box Tops

Box Tops for Education are collected throughout the year to earn funds for classroom materials, school clubs, and enrichment activities. Clip and save those little box tops all year. Classrooms will compete twice a year to see who can collect the most!
NEW: Download the free app, scan your receipt and the money is automatically credited to our school!
Join the PTA today! This year, more than ever, your support is needed. The PTA supports our students, teachers & staff and our school grounds. Some examples are:
Raising money to provide classroom materials and support activities and initiatives that enhance students’ growth and learning.
Sponsoring and planning special programs like Matey-Move-athon, the Book Fair and Spirit Nights.
Beautification projects for our campus such as upkeep of the playgrounds and gardens
And more!
Volunteering with the PTA is the best way to connect and stay engaged with your child's school. Please email Julie Robbins for current volunteer opportunities.
Spirit Days '22 - '23

Amazon Smile

Support our PTA & school by shopping with smile.amazon.com. No cost to you! Simply link your account to smile.amazon.com and a portion of eligible sales will go back to our school. Also available in the app now too! App instructions here.